PACA Resources (Digital Library)

Little’s Law

Little’s Law Chapter 5

Little’s Law As Viewed on it’s 50th Anniversary


Dr. Donald Wheeler’s articles on Quality Digest

The History of the XmR Chart

Shewhart and the Probability Approach

Flow Principles

The Principles of Product Development Flow, Don Reinertsen

Flow Metrics and Analytics

ActionableAgile Metrics for Predictability, Daniel Vacanti

Flow Metrics for Scrum Teams, Wilbert Seele and Daniel Vacanti

What is Cycle Time? , Julia Wester

What is Throughput? Julia Wester

Probabilistic Forecasting

The Flaw of Averages, Dr. Sam Savage

Thinking in Bets, Annie Duke

When Will It Be Done?”, Daniel Vacanti

What to Do When Forecasts and Estimates Conflict , Julia Wester

Velocity Doesn’t Measure Success , Julia Wester

How Many Completed Sprints are Needed for Forecasting?, Julia Wester

Cost of Delay

Don Reinertsen Video

All Things Metrics and Predictability

DrunkAgile YouTube channel